3 Video Marketing Trends to Try

Jan 20, 2023 | Digital Marketing

In today’s digital environment, video is king. The transition from newspaper media to forms like video has taken several decades. Still, it has only been in recent years that a significant explosion in video marketing trends has taken place. Moreover, the dependence and emphasis on video is only likely to increase, especially due to the […]
video marketing trends

In today’s digital environment, video is king. The transition from newspaper media to forms like video has taken several decades. Still, it has only been in recent years that a significant explosion in video marketing trends has taken place. Moreover, the dependence and emphasis on video is only likely to increase, especially due to the popularity of platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram Reels.

Why Video Marketing?

In the realm of marketing, video is by far the most effective and popular tool to get the best results. There are several benefits to this kind of marketing. The first is that you can expect a good return on investment for your efforts due to its popularity. You can also be creative with your campaigns and make them your own. Finally, since the video shows things in ‘real-time,’ it adds an element of personal connection. 

Which Platforms Should You Use?

Currently, the platforms spurring video marketing trends in 2023 are Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube. YouTube was the original video platform, and it remains popular. TikTok launched the popularity of short-form videos, usually lasting less than 60 seconds in duration. Following its success, Instagram introduced its format – Reels – which has continued to be a popular platform since it began. Any of these options are an excellent choice to consider. YouTube Shorts is another platform to try, especially if you use it for other tools. 

Video Marketing Trends: Overview

There are several trends to watch out for with video marketing in 2023 and beyond. The three discussed here are vertical, live, and educational videos. 

Vertical Video

Thanks to TikTok and Instagram Reels, vertical frames for video are all but guaranteed to be 

popular for the time being. Vertically oriented videos are optimized for viewing on a mobile device, which usually means increased engagement. If you have yet to try using vertical frames for your videos, this simple change can often mean more viewers and engagement, especially since you can upload them to Instagram, TikTok, or both. 

Live Video

There’s something unique about being able to interact with a live audience. With live video, you can produce content and receive real-time feedback from potential customers. Not only are people naturally more engaged, but you also don’t always have to plan and edit a live video the same way as others. It can take some practice going Live on video, but don’t wait until everything is perfect to start!

Educational Video

Finally, another video marketing trend to keep in mind for 2023 is a focus on educational content. A benefit of educational videos is combining this content with other trends discussed above. For example, many viral videos on TikTok and Instagram include tips, “hacks”, and other ways to provide unique and helpful information. Capitalize on this trend and see how it can help promote your business and brand reliability.

Need Help With Video Marketing Trends?

If you want to incorporate videos into your marketing strategy to increase brand exposure and reach, Rose& Gold is here for you. Learn more about our services and strategy by emailing us at hello@roseandgold.com.

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